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The offices of Anson County Homes of Hope are located at Calvary Episcopal Church, 308 East Wade Street, Wadesboro, NC, 28170. The entrance is on the playground side on the lower level of the church.

Our office hours vary from day to day, so please call before coming to the office.

Chipper Long is the executive director and is the present contact for any questions about our programs. You may call the office at 704-465-2437 or call Chipper directly at 704-668-4952. Other office personnel are volunteers and work varying schedules. 

Many times we are out picking up donations or are at one of our properties.. Please leave a message or send a text, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

If you are experiencing a domestic violence situation, call 911 and the Anson County Domestic Violence Coalition Crisis Line at 704-690-0362. We will work together to find a safe space for you.